August 2012 Newsletter

Please let Annelise know at if you are willing to work on and keep this website current.
Message of welcome
I welcome you to the 2012-2013 academic year and look forward to serving you again as your president. I hope your summer has been a special and relaxing one. Great plans are in the works for the monthly events while our interest group chairpersons continue their work to engage their members in interesting discussions on books, learning about foreign countries or places in the US, enjoying outdoor pursuits, discussing investments or photography, in speaking foreign languages or in enjoying culinary treats in homes or in restaurants. The interest groups serve as the mainstay of the Club, and we thank the leaders who continue to chair these groups. In our wish for the club membership to grow, please spread the word about our activities and begin by inviting new and current faculty and friends to the Welcoming Reception to be held on Wednesday, September 12 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. to be held at the Tallahassee Garden Center.
Please make sure to keep the central section of this newsletter as it serves as the yearbook for this year. Current and updated information will be printed in the regular newsletters and will also be sent to all who provide your membership VP with e-mail addresses.
Annelise Leysieffer
MEMBERSHIP DUES: $20/$15 per household
With the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year, it is time to renew your membership dues. All interest groups are part of the Faculty & Friends Club of FSU. Whether you only belong to one interest group or take advantage of all that our Club has to offer, now is the time for ALL attendees, except from the occasional visitor, to submit your dues. Please fill out the form provided below, enabling us to keep accurate records, and bring it together with your check made out to the Faculty & Friends Club of FSU to the Welcoming Reception on September 12 or mail it to the treasurer, Calvin Zongker, 601 Live Oak Plantation Road, Tallahassee FL 323012.
Name(s): ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
ZIP: ___________ Home Phone: _____________________________
E-mail address(es): ______________________________________________________________________________
Department(s): ___________________________________________
(Please indicate department(s), if retired, or if you are a friend)
Membership Dues per address: $20($15 for retirees): $_____________
Voluntary Contribution to Scholarship Fund:              $_____________
Total Amount enclosed:                                               $_____________
Please indicate to Annelise if there are changes to last year’s roster or if you have additions you would like to be added.
Alice B. Nichols Scholarship
The University Club Scholarship Fund was established in 1986. (At the request of the FSU Foundation, the name of the fund remains as stated here.) Since 1994, the Club has been awarding one or more $500 scholarships per semester to needy, returning, full-time, undergraduate students, who maintain a GPA of at least 3.2. Five years ago, the board members voted to also add some partial scholarships to part-time students. Thanks to your generous donations and our successful, annual Billy Bowlegs 5k Run and 1 Mile Walk, we have been able to award one-hundred-and-twenty-seven scholarships during the past seventeen years. We have chosen six students for the fall semester who will each receive $500. We hope to be able to donate another six next spring semester. We thank you for your generous support and hope we can continue to count on it for this worthwhile endeavor particularly during these difficult economic times. Donations of any amount will be gratefully accepted and acknowledged. Please bring your check to the Welcoming Reception or mail your donation together with your dues, with the check made out to the Faculty & Friends Club of FSU, to the treasurer, Calvin Zongker, 601 Live Oak Plantation Road, Tallahassee, FL 32312.
Annual Welcoming Reception
Wednesday, September 12, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Tallahassee Garden Center, 508 North Calhoun Street
As always, we start the year with our Annual Welcoming Reception to take place this year in the Tallahassee Garden Center located between Calhoun and Gadsden Streets. You can enter the large parking area either from Carolina Street across from Georgia Belle or from Gadsden Street. This event is a wonderful opportunity to visit with old and new friends. You can join or renew your membership and sign up for the many fascinating interest groups. These groups are a great way to get to know each other, and they serve as the mainstay of our Club. Come savor the delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts, in part prepared by members. Please bring new faculty and friends and encourage current faculty to attend the reception to familiarize them with our organization. Also come meet and welcome our scholarship recipients.  There is a ramp at the back of the house for easy access.
Several of your board members will be chairing this event. If you have special delicacies you would like to share with us, it will be much appreciated. Please e-mail Annelise Leysieffer at or call her at 893-1272 with offers to bring food, to volunteer or if you have any questions.
Celebrate Halloween with Beth & Neil Charnes: “Calling all the Creatures of the Night”
Friday, October 26, 6:30 p.m. until…
Join us for a festive and fun-filled evening at the annual gathering at the home of Beth & Neil Charness at 1325 Peacefield Place off Thomasville Road near Woodgate. Beth will make Witches Cauldron Chili. Please bring Devilish Delights or Cauldron Luck. Please let Beth know the week before by Saturday, October 20, either at or by calling her at 385-0500 to let her know if you are you planning to attend and what you are planning to bring. Although there is no absolute deadline, Beth would like to have an early count for planning purposes. This will also give Beth and her committee a general idea of how many people to expect.
Board of The Faculty & Friends Club of FSU  2012-2013
President: Annelise Leysieffer 893-1272
Vice President: Jan Flake 383-7505
2nd VP (Membership): Fred Leysieffer 893-1272
Past President: Josephine Ang 894-6057
Recording Secretary: Linda Clickner (703) 850-6893
Corresponding Secretary: Denise Ellingson 907-9992
Treasurer: Calvin Zongker 385-4848
Nominating Committee Chair: Josephine Ang 894-6057
Newsletter Editor: Annelise Leysieffer 893-1272
Interest Groups Co-Chairs: Barbara Elam 385-9856, Diane Olsen 386-5797
Friendship*: Beth Charness 385-0500
Historian: Neil Charness 385-0500
Scholarship: Natholyn Harris 385-5979, Diane Olsen 386-5797
Ex-Officio: Molly Barron
*Please notify Beth Charness about members who should be sent cards due to illness, birth of a child, congratulations or sympathy.
Faculty & Friends Club Interest Group Chairs 2012-2013
Book Discussion Group: Kea Herron 422-0881
Digital Photography: Neil Charness 385-0500, Calvin Zongker 385-4848
Globetrotters: Diane Olsen 386-5797
Gourmet Sampler: Barbara Elam 385-9856, Carol Weissert 297-0111
Investment Club: Diane Stuart 893-3466
La Mesa Española: Jo Stepp-Greany 383-3970
La Table Française: Annelise Leysieffer 893-1272
Lecture Series – PUC: Bob Spivey 894-5242
Lunch Bunch: Denise Ellingson 907-9992
Outdoors Explorers: Barbara & John Elam 385-9856
Restaurant Roulette: Jan Flake 383-7505
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?: Toni Kirkwood-Tucker 656-9514
Stitch and Chat: Cherie Fenstermaker 386-1000
If you are interested in joining an interest group or in forming a new one, please check with either one of the chairpersons, Barbara Elam (385-9856) or Diane Olsen (386-5797
Faculty & Friends Club Monthly Events 2012-2013
Annual Welcoming Reception – Tallahassee Garden Center
Wednesday, September 12, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
508 North Calhoun Street
Co-Chairs: Annelise Leysieffer, Denise Ellingson, Pete Cottrell et al.
Halloween Party Hosted by Beth & Neil Charness
Friday, October 26, 6:30 p.m. until… NOTE: Friday
1325 Peacefield Place off Thomasville Road
Chair: Beth Charness –
Holiday Party – Dorothy B. Oven Park
Saturday, December 1, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
3205 Thomasville Road
Co-Chairs: Diane Stuart, Barbara Elam, Dian & Charles LaTour and Bill & Carol Weissert
29th Annual Billy Bowlegs 5k Run & 1 Mile Walk
Saturday, January 5, 9:00 a.m.
FAMU/FSU College of Engineering – Innovation Park
Bowlegs Brunch at Renegade Grill, 10:00 a.m. in the Seminole Golf Clubhouse
Co-Chairs: Larry Giunipero, Bill Hillison & Annelise Leysieffer
Chinese New Year – Year of the Snake
Sunday, January 27 , 6:30 p.m.
Lucy Ho’s Azu – 3220 Apalachee Parkway
Chair: Annelise Leysieffer –
Mardi Gras – Hosted by Linda & Bob Clickner
Saturday, February 9, 6:30 p.m.
3099 Shamrock Street North
Chair: Linda Clickner –
Valentine’s Dance at American Legion Hall at Lake Ella
Tuesday, February 12, 7:30 p.m.
Chair:  Annelise Leysieffer, et al.
Plans are underway to hopefully attend the new AME (Engineering) Building’s Open House in the spring, attend a woman’s basketball game as well as take in a baseball game in the spring.
Annual Spring Dinner & Business Meeting, with date and place TBA
Book Discussion Group
Thursday, September 13, 7:00 p.m.
NOTE: Different date, week and time!!!
Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick discussed and hosted by Hyo Lee to learn about Korean history and culture. It promises to be a fascinating discussion.
Please call Hyo at 385-9800 to attend and for directions.
Please contact Kea Herron at or at 422-0881 for more information about the Book Group and to nominate books for 2013-14. Please give name, author, # of pages and an interesting blurb about the book.
Monday, October 15, 7:30 p.m.
Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff
Discussed by Flora Danisi and hosted by Penny Gilmer (385-5762).
Digital Photograhy will be chaired jointly by Neil Charness (385-0500) and Calvin Zongker (385-4848) with experts to be brought to the meetings. There has been a great interest in this group.
This popular interest group will continue to meet at the Maguire Learning Center on Commencement Lane at Westminster Oaks with Diane Olsen as the chair. Please contact her with programs and to offer to bring refreshments. We hope to begin on Saturday, October 6 at 7:30 p.m. Look for follow-up e-mails from Diane and Annelise.
Please contact Diane Olsen at or at 386-5797.
Gourmet Sampler
Barbara Elam (385-9856) and Carol Weissert (297-0111) will be chairing Gourmet Sampler this year. We have spring homes but still need homes for the fall. Please contact either Barbara or Carol to volunteer to host this delightful group.
Investment Club
This group meets the first Tuesday of each month at the Senior Citizen Center. Although full at this time, if interested, please contact Diane Stuart for more information at or call her at 893-3466.
La Mesa Española
This group usually meets the last Thursday of the month and is led by Jo Stepp-Greany. The first meeting is being scheduled for October. Please contact Jo at or at 383-3970.
La Table Française
Sunday, September 23, 7:00 p.m.
Held at the home of Annelise Leysieffer
Please contact Annelise at or call her at 893-1272 to find out more about the French group and to attend. Please forward any suggestions for a new format or information about French gatherings in town.
Lunch Bunch
Tuesday, September 25, 11:45 a.m.  Note: new week!
Backwoods Bistro – 401 East Tennessee Street
Please contact Denise Ellingson at or at 907-9992 to attend.
Faculty Luncheon Series at Presbyterian University Center (PUC)
Tuesday, September 11, 12:15 p.m.
“The University Library and its Role in Digital Scholarship”
$10 per luncheon with reservations made by Thursday, September 6 by calling 222-6320 or sending an e-mail to
Please contact Bob Spivey at 894-5242 for more information.
Outdoors Explorers will again be led by Barbara & John Elam. Plans are to meet just a few times this coming year beginning with Sunday, September 30 starting between 2:00 and 2:30 p.m. Dot and Jim Skofronick have graciously offered to host an outing at their farm near Torreya State Park.
Please contact Barbara Elam at 385-9856 or at to attend and with suggestions for future places to visit.
Restaurant Roulette
Thursday, September 20, 6:30 p.m.
Julie’s Place at 2901 North Monroe Street.
Please contact Jan Flake by the 17th at or at 383-7505.
Sprechen Sie Deutsch?
Friday, September 21, 7:00 p.m.
“Wenn einer eine Reise tut, kann er viel erzählen.”
At the home of Toni Kirkwood-Tucker.
Please contact Toni at or at 656-9514.
Stitch & Chat
Thursday, September 20, 7:30 p.m.
At the home of Cherie Fenstermaker (386-1000).
Please contact Cherie at for more information.