December 2005


The Tour of the renovated Montgomery Hall, which will always remain Montgomery Gym to many of us, was wonderful. We should be proud of the Department of Dance and of all they have accomplished. Our sincere thanks go to Dance Department chair Libby Patenaude and her staff for their interesting program and tour. Thanks to Jenny Blazek and Diane Stuart for helping with the food and clean up and to Cal Zongker and John Elam in getting us set up. We always need people who are willing to give of their time to help with the mundane things in life, which actually are critical to the success of events.
This is it. Goodbye 2005 and hello 2006! But, before we close out the year, we have one last gathering at the home of Linda and Steve Leach. The Holiday Happening is Saturday December 10, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. We had the event at their lovely home last year, and it was delightful. The neighbors helped make it a winter wonderland. Everyone helped out by bringing a favorite dish and the food was delicious. I hope many of you will be able to attend this year and help us to once again celebrate the season.
Thank you for making this past year such a success. If I don’t see you in December, have a happy New Year and may the coming year bring joy to all.

Barbara Elam


Thanks to all, who have joined the Club this year. As of December 1, the membership stands at 176 paid members with more promised. Let us reach 200 by year’s end! Please keep us informed about changes and forward corrections and/or additions to the enclosed roster to Fred Leysieffer

Important!!! Event dates changes!!!

Please note that the Chinese New Year at Lucy Ho’s has been moved forward to Sunday, January 15, and that Billy Bowlegs is now a Grand Prix Race to take place on Saturday, January 14. More information is to be found elsewhere in this newsletter with the race flier to be included in the January newsletter.

Holiday Happening!!!

Saturday, December 10
5:00 – 7:00 PM
At the home of:
Linda & Steve Leach
1238 Skip Wells Court
Come meet with friends and celebrate the beginning of the holiday season with delicious hors d’oeuvres and desserts. There will be wine and hot cider with refreshments provided by the members. Feel free to bring your favorite food to supplement the promised refreshments to ensure a fulfilling evening. Please call Beth Charness at 385-0500 by Wednesday, December 7 to let her know you will be attending.
Directions to 1238 Skip Wells Court:
Take Maclay Road either from Meridian Road North or from Thomasville Road. (From Thomasville Road turn left onto Maclay Road across from Killarney Way). Turn south onto Miller’s Bridge Road and left once again 100 feet further on onto East Miller’s Bridge Road. Skip Wells Court is the second street on your right with the house on the corner.

Billy Bowlegs 5k Run and 1 Mile Walk – 9:00 AM

GWTC Grand Prix Race
Billy Bowlegs Brunch – 10:15 AM
Saturday, January 14 – Note the date!!!
Extra Brian Bachman mugs for Faculty Club winners
We challenge you to join us for the Billy Bowlegs Race to benefit returning, undergraduate students at FSU. This is our 22nd year. Come walk or run with us before heading across the street to the Seminole Clubhouse for a delicious and congenial brunch in the Renegade Grill. The Brunch is free to Faculty Club members, if race participants or volunteers, and $5.00 for members who only attend the Brunch. All proceeds go directly to the scholarship fund. Look for the flier in the January newsletter. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Annelise Leysieffer at 893-1272.

Chinese New Year at Lucy Ho’s Oriental Bistro

1700-1 Halstead Boulevard
The Year of the Dog

Sunday, January 15 – 6:30 PM Cash Bar – 7:00 PM Dinner
Please note the change of date!!!
Mark your calendar now for this great evening. Come help us usher in the Chinese New Year with delectable dishes especially prepared for the Club members. The cost for the dinner, including non-alcoholic beverage, tip and tax, is $22.00. More information will follow in the January newsletter.

Table Française & Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Sunday, December 11 – 7:30 PM
At the home of Fred & Annelise Leysieffer
Come practice a variety of languages
Please bring your favorite holiday treats to share with the members
Call Annelise (893-1272) or e-mail her at

Book Discussion Group

Monday, December 12 – 6:30 PM – Potluck !!!
It’s not too late to join the Book Discussion Group! Come to our annual “eat and vote” dinner at 6:30 p.m. on December 12. Everyone brings a dish to share, and following the dinner, we discuss books and vote to select our 2006 books! (However, our January selection is Barbara Hamby’s latest poetry collection, Babel.) We are honored that she will lead our discussion on January 16.
If you wish to participate in the December meeting, please contact Beth Wright at 385-5915. If you have a (paperback) book to nominate, please send it to: or You should include the author, title, and a brief summary that whets our appetite! Check the website to see previous years’ selections.