Constitution (Page 2)

Section 7. Meetings. Meetings of the executive board shall be called, and the time and place set, at the discretion of the president.
Section 8. Programs. Regular programs shall be held during the academic year. The first vice president/president elect (programs) shall plan the frequency, types and budgets of such programs for approval by the executive board.
Section 9. Interest Groups. The president, first vice president and the interest groups chair shall have the authority to establish or to dissolve interest groups.
Section 10. Nominating Committee. The president, the first vice president and the nominating committee chair shall select four other members to serve with the chairas a committee of five for developing a slate of nominees for presentation at the spring business meeting of the club.

Article 7. Vacancies.

Section 1. President.
In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of the president, the vice president/president-elect shall automatically assume the office of the president for the remainder of the term plus one year.
Section 2. Other Elected Officers. In the event of a vacancy in any other elected office, a replacement shall be nominated by the president and approved by the executive board for the remainder of the term.

Article 8. Amendment of Constitution.

Section 1. Amendments to this constitution may be proposed by the executive board or by petition signed by no fewer than 20 members of the club.
Section 2. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted to the membership in writing 30 days prior to the time such proposals are to be considered by the membership.
Section 3. This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the annual business meeting.
Revised and Approved September 4, 2003.